Thursday, November 09, 2006

The American election - 2006

Well, I have recovered from the election results and while I don't want to be stupid about this, I have to tell you I was bummed out as to the results and the meaning for our country of the Dems taking over the legislative branch. But after thinking about it, I realized the sun will still come up and that this back and forth we see in our political arena is not only what the Founding Fathers would have liked to see, it is what was designed into our political system by the Constitution. They certainly realized that it would have long term benefits to have lots of different parties and minority interests at play so that the majority would always be looking over their shoulders and would never be able to subject the minority interests to the tyranny they had felt living under the King's rule.

The founders certainly designed the constitution so as to allow for the kind of change in power we saw this week. It is really a good thing for us and I thing is the beauty of our form of government. What I love about our system is that we can have these bitterly partisans elections, filled with distortions, lies, attacks, (from both sides) and yet, when it is all over the rule of law prevails, we transition to the new government and we fight it out the next time around. No coups, no revolutions, no riots etc. It is a wonderful thing and really I think, somewhat unique in the history of the world. (certainly when it was formed 225 years ago) but maybe not so unique these days, but truly a remarkable, inspired form of government.

Now, as to the election itself. I fell badly as a Republican and would have preferred that the Senate and House be split as that would tie everything up and when that happens in our government these days we are all better off. Gridlock is not all that bad when it comes to our government as that means they can't help much, but they can't hurt anything either and that is what I worry about.

So the Dems have control and here we go. I think they will push their agenda that they have been squawking about. The Iraqi conflict will certainly need to be addressed in some form as that is what many ran on and certainly I think the American people want to see something change there. I like Rumsfeld but I'm glad he is gone as I think a new set of eyes looking at this mess might help us put additional resources into this thing to get it resolved. We are correct to be there and I totally support the efforts we have made, but we are fighting an enemy unique in its form of fighting us. These guys think it is an honor to die in the act of killing innocents and that is a hard enemy to know how to approach. They are evil and must be eliminated or at least curtailed somehow, so the basic strategy of being there is still sound. We just need to change tactics somehow so we can end this thing and win it and get the heck out of there and let the Iraqis run their country. So many people in our country just look at this as American soldiers, men and women dying and as the number of deaths and injuries increase, they simply can stomach it. They define the success or unsuccess if you prefer by body counts and money spent. Perfectly understandable but so shortsighted and overlooks the bigger picture of what is going on. That is what is so wrong with those that voted the way they did because of the war alone and I think there were many like that. They simply don't understand the stakes we are dealing with here and do not understand what we are fighting. Thank goodness for Bush's vision on this, but I wonder how he will be able to handle it with the Dems now controlling the legislative agenda. He has many short comings, I suppose, but he understands this fight and what is at stake for civilization. (much as Roosevelt understood the Hitler, Stalin threat and Reagan the Communist threat. History will look to Bush as far as recognizing the threat and drawing a line in the sand for the last great fight for civilization. Anyway, the American people have spoken on that point and I hope Bush and continue his resolve on this at least for the last two years of his term.

There is little else that matters and had it not been for so many not really understanding the war, I doubt if this election route would have occurred. The economy is going great, the unemployment rate is an all time low, tax rates are as low as they will ever be, incomes are up, and many other things are going well. Bush forgot who he was and has spent way too much money, has not reeled in government spending or expansion, has not done much on immigration, not been able to tackle entitlements etc, but I truly think the War is what defined this election.

It will be interesting to see what comes done in the next two years. The Dems will push things like the minimum wage, immigration reform including amnesty of some sort, raising taxes, stem ceel research, enviornment restrictions on energy exporating, and even a further expansion of government, etc, etc. Not sure if Bush will veto this stuff when it comes to him, but it will be tough for the Dems to not compromise somewhat as they will not be able to override many of the issues since they need a 2/3's majority to override a veto. (another brilliant provision by the Founding Fathers) Compromise will be important. Not all that bad a situation to tell you the truth.

Will Bush talk conservative and act moderately to maintain peace, insure a legacy or will he stick to his rhetoric about being conservative but acting moderately? It will be interesting to see. I think to the extent he sticks to his principals, (right or wrong depending on your slant) I think the 2008 elections will be largely formulated. His actions along with the the conflict in Iraq will determine in my opinion how the American people will respond in 2008, not only to the Presidential election but the House and Senate elections.

Have you noticed that when the Dems lose they look to conspiracy's, fraud, cheating, voter intimidation, vote supression by the other side, etc, etc as the answers. They sqawk and scream about how the American voter is just too stupid to understand the issues (I heard a guy say that once after an election...admittedly a minority point of view I think) They never look inward and say to themselves maybe our issues are not in line with the majority of Americans and maybe we should modify them, more to the center. Now that they have won, I truly think they will misinterpret the results and think they have some sort of a mandate to implement their liberal issues. The one thing they have the support for is a modification of the direction in Iraq and if they are wise they will direct their efforts there. If they go for the left wing agenda they really believe in, they will make the same mistake the GOP did and they will hurt their chances in 2008. Many, if not most of the new members ran as centrist Dems and not extreme left wingers (pro life, no new taxes, tough on immigration etc.) That is where the American center is and they will be wise to run on what they were elected on and not turn into something that they did not get elected for.

The GOP (in all modesty) has been quite humble in accepting this defeat as what it is. They are recognizing that they did not govern on the principals that got them elected. (You gotta go home from the dance with who brought yeh, as Mark would say) I hope they have learned. We have to win in Iraqi and win it quickly and overwhelmingly and get the heck out. (Not sure of how or even if that can be done....but getting out without victory is not the answer...that I know) If we do that, the Dems are in big trouble in 2008 if they continue to promote their very left agenda.

I love our country, all it stands for and the privledge it is to be an American and be free and able to discuss these matters without worrying about being stifled.

That is my 2 cents.

Love you all,